Academic Outreach Programs

  • America Reads/America Counts

    The Community Service Office supports the America Reads/America Counts. Approximately 150 Lehigh University students serve as tutors at three Southside Bethlehem schools: Fountain Hill Elementary School, Donegan Elementary School, and Broughal Middle School.


    This program allows middle school girls to participate in a variety of fun engineering and science experiments designed to foster an interest in the future pursuit of STEM. 

  • High School Scholars

    High School Scholars provides rising high school seniors to take college level courses not offered at their home schools.

  • Iacocca Global Entrepreneurship Intensive

    This program introduces students to design thinking, to develop leadership skills, and to encourage global thinking through interaction with an international cohort.

  • Iacocca Global Entrepreneurship Intensive *Business Track

    This track of IGEI is new for Summer 2023.

  • Lehigh University High School Math Contest

    Math competition organized by Professor Don Davis.

  • Lehigh Valley Science and Engineering Research Fair (LVSF)

    LVSF is the annual science fair is hosted by Lehigh University and is held in March each year. Participants in grades 6 through 12 may register.

  • Summer Engineering Institute

    SEI provides exposure to STEM through collaborative projects, dynamic classroom discussion, and virtual field trips to regional science and tech/businesses and research centers.